

大年初二的午餐,我们来到好清香酒楼。  看到酒楼里的人客还不少,就知道这一餐应该味道还不错。Lunch on 2nd day of Chinese New year, we went to HaoQinXiang Restaurant. I think the meal will taste good when see the restaurant is crowded

第一道:看似肉圆的东东。  外层包的是糯米团,里面是肉(吃不出是不是猪肉)还有土豆。不是很喜欢它的味道。First dish: Meatballs. Outer is glutinous rice, inner is meat (not sure if it is pork ) and peanut. Not really like the taste.

第二道: 薄饼。外层炸得酥脆,里头包的馅没什么味道。也许是天气冷的关系,吃的时候有点冷。不习惯吃冷掉的炸食。吃了一颗就没再吃了。2nd Dish:  Poh pia. Outer layer is crispy fried, the inner part not really taste anything. Maybe because of the cold weather the food is not warm.  Not really used to it, so stop after one bite.

第三道:酒香蒸虾。我一路来就喜欢吃海鲜。这一道酒香够醇,一连吃了好几口饭呢。The third dish: wine steamed prawn. All the while, i like seafood very much.   I can smell the alcohol when i eat the prawn. I like it. 

第四道: 猪脚。瘦肉好吃,肥肉就谢谢了。Forth Dish: Pork.  The lean meat is great. 

第五道:鱼丸汤。第一次吃到腥味很重的鱼丸汤。看一看只有几根葱去味,那怎么行呀?!所以,只喝了一碗。Fifth Dish: Fish ball soup. This is the first time i have so heavy smelly fish ball soup. So, I only drink one bowl of soup.

第六道: 酸甜鱼。一样是冷的,所以没人动。Sixth Dish: sweet and sour fish. It is not warm, so no one taste it.

第七道:米粉汤。没吃,因为啃饭啃饱了。Seventh Dish: Beehoon soup. Well, i have enough of rice, so, i don't try it out. 

第八道:鸡蛋豆腐。小孩子们爱死了。我觉得味道淡了一些,不过小孩子们就别吃那么咸了。Eighth Dish: egg tofu. Kids love it because it is not that salty.

总的来说,这一餐,还不错。只是有些味道我不习惯。In overall, the meal not bad. I just not used to flavor.
